2008 Canada Mountie Tour

Welcome to Canada, land of Gleysers, Rivers ,Mountains ,Wildlife & breathtaking views.
Mountie tour 2008 , operated by Trekamerica.
small groups ,age 18 till 35 ,awesome locations , experiences never to forget.

ps ; the person with the yellow hood is me ;)

location ; Athabasca Glacier 'Icefields Parkway'

Yoho national Park ' British Columbia'

One of the first stops on our 2008 journey was
"Natural Bridge" at Yoho national Park
Natural bridge former waterfall formed by nature forces of the Kicking Horse river ,glacial water .
This nature wonder is easy accessible by car, once your on the parking lot you can go to several points of interest to watch it from different angles.

Emerald Lake 'British Columbia'

This beauty was discovered by Tom Wilson in 1882 during the construction of
the Canadian Pacific Railway.
A real gem with jade coloured water in the Canadian wilderness.
If you are more lucky than we where that day you might see it on a clear blue sky day and then the colors will be even more magnificent and beautiful.

Rafting Kicking Horse River 'Golden' BC

If you want the ultimate adrenaline rush on this tour go rafting with Glacier Raft Company .
Still my biggest adrenaline rush so far
thanks for the amazing pictures of a lifetime memory on
Tuesday August 26 2008.

Hiking trails Yoho Valley

August 27 2008 Leaving Kicking Horse campground trough spiral tunnel ,still snow in the mountains.
9hr15 start of hiking in Yoho NP 16.8km's to Tikkakaw falls ,Laughing falls and Twin falls, great hike!
Still Twin falls was not a twin that day , only one was streaming down the rocks.

Lake Louise ' Banff

I present to you the iconic Lake Louise, the best time to visit is when it's sunny weather ,cause the lake will be much more blue than we saw it.
and behind the lake you have the stunning white glacier,witch you couldn't see much from when we where there cause of the rainy weather in September 2008.

still on the road in the beautiful Canada 

Peyto Lake @ Icefieldsparkway

Welcome to Bow Summet the highest point along the Icefields Parkway , is the watershed divede of the Bow and Mistaya RIvers . This area is famous for its colourful timberline meadows ands stunning views of Peyto Lake , the bluest lake in the Rockies.

Columbia Icefields, Athabasca Glacier

Please don't go on your own on the glacier, it's danderous , this was a guided walk ,as you can see we walked all in one line with special shoes and irons on it.
there are many gaps where you can fall in ,so be carefull

Jasper National Park

Definitely my most amazing bikeride so far,
some dangerous paths to cross,but stunning views!
when we left in Jasper town ,we had to wait at the railroad to cross ,but we where not alone, a deer was waiting too to cross,never forget that view. :)

Jasper National Park's

'Maligne Lake'

For me personal the most beautiful lake we saw on this mountie tour, i loved it more than the famous Lake Louise,
but go check it out yourself.


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